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January 22, 2006

Nexenta OS

Nexenta OS giraffe This morning I booted Nexenta OS which is the Ubuntu GNU stack of applications running atop OpenSolaris.

It runs fine on this laptop, though I couldn't find the wireless Ethernet configuration tools, so didn't get on the network. It recognized the Ethernet card, no problem, but I didn't feel like sitting next to the router, nor did I want to root around for a longer Ethernet cable while everyone else is asleep. Had I been able to get to Google, I'd've found this page about wificonfig.

In any case, Nexenta OS looks good, and seems like a brilliant idea for folks who'd like to run Solaris underneath and benefit from features like ZFS, but yet also benefit from tools like apt or Synaptic to manage the software installed on the system. I wonder how well Nexenta OS and Ubuntu would live together on the same disk.

Posted by Mark at January 22, 2006 07:04 AM

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