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January 22, 2006

100-105 km this week

Nath asked me after lunch if I wanted to run this afternoon. I said probably not. Tim and Emma went with me to play soccer at the field in Barraux this morning, and my legs were still tired and stiff. She wondered how far I went.

Without dragging out a map wheel and maps, I don't know exactly, but based on the times, heart rates, and what I do know, it looks like 100-105 km over the last 6 days. Maybe I should go try to beat Dana's family record of 70 miles (almost 113 km) in 7 days.

Nath figured all that running around in circles was pointless. I could've gotten somewhere had I gone in a straight line.

Posted by Mark at January 22, 2006 01:07 PM

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If I count the distance including today's run rather than last Monday's, I get about 105-110 km. Maybe the stress is because I didn't relax enough.

Posted by: Mark at January 23, 2006 10:39 PM