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February 04, 2006
Heavy traffic
Michel, Colette, Matthieu, and Chloe are coming down to the Alps to ski. This is the first week of school vacation for the Paris zone.
We tried to convince them to make the trip Friday afternoon rather than Saturday, but they didn't agree and expected to be able to make good time. It turns out our estimates were better than theirs. By 3:30 pm, they'd only made it to Beaune, and were getting something to eat.
At present they're in between Bugey and Chambery, however. The thickest of the traffic must now be in the valley between Chambery and the Alps. Nathalie's telling them to get off the autoroute and onto the national road, but if I understand correctly they already did that.
Posted by Mark at February 4, 2006 05:02 PM
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