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February 05, 2006
Very bad night
Boy, was I glad to remove this thing and turn the power off at 7:13 am this morning.
Last night we ate with Catherine and Andy and their friends Doug and Lorraine. Andy and Doug are both from Scotland. As a sort of ceremony, they wore their kilts. We ate haggis, potatoes, rutabaga, plus red wine and whisky.
Doug adressed the haggis with an impressive if mostly incomprehensible poem from Robert Burns, stabbing it with the ceremonial knife. I'd never eaten haggis before. Reminded me somehow of boudin noir.
When I finally got to bed after 1 am, I got to "sleep" in 40 minute intervals before the blood pressure machine would wake me up. Finally went to the couch in a daze after 4 am, when life had become so uncomfortable in my bed I could no longer keep from moving.
Nathalie was snoring when I left. I tried to read, nodding off now and then to be awakened by the infernal machine. I wondered if the stress I was feeling would show up in the blood pressure readings, and that made it even worse.
My wedding band seemed to be choking my ring finger, although it's usually nearly falling off in winter. The snug fit of the armband must've been preventing the veins from doing their job normally. Hope the children go easy on us today.
Posted by Mark at February 5, 2006 10:02 AM
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