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February 06, 2006
Ran out of Kaplas
Tim reminded me that I'd not posted the photo of his Kapla tower. He managed to use all 200 blocks in this one without making it too high and rickety. Tim's still a long way from the world record 51' tower, but the people doing that probably do not have to contend with Diane.
The idea to get these for Christmas came from watching the kids play with the blocks over at Ludo's. It really was a good gift idea, on the same order as Legos used to be. He seems to play with these more than he watches his Star Wars DVDs or plays with his PlayStation.
His latest idea is that, since he's able to build a tower that uses up the entire box of 200 blocks, he needs a whole lot more. Nath and I don't want that. When he gets all of what he asks for, he's no longer interested soon thereafter.
Posted by Mark at February 6, 2006 09:45 PM
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Maybe he could be challenged to use the ones he has to make higher and higher structures.
Posted by: Teena at February 7, 2006 02:31 PM
He's done some high and rickety towers, higher than himself anyway. The trick is having him do that without ending up mad at his sisters who knocked it down inadvertently.
Posted by: Mark at February 7, 2006 08:24 PM