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February 06, 2006
Fat browser
Somebody's blog entry on Understanding memory usage on Linux got Slashdotted. I went over to look. It's mainly about the effect of shared library code and looking at this with pmap -d
The example was with a KDE text editor, which apparently uses lots of shared library code, and so looks much more bloated under ps
than it actually is. There are however other applications that not only look bloated, but also are pretty big.
$ ps -e | grep firefox
10447 ? 00:07:38 firefox-bin
$ pmap -d 10447 | tail -1
mapped: 156204K writeable/private: 118824K shared: 768K
That's Firefox with the aforementioned article opened, nothing else.
Posted by Mark at February 6, 2006 10:16 PM
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