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February 22, 2006

The Active Side of Infinity

active-side-of-infinity.jpg Who is more Yoda-like, Juan Matus or Peter Drucker? Picture Peter Drucker wielding a green light saber.

Carlos Castaneda apparently died the same year The Active Side of Infinity was published. This particular book covers a period preceding don Juan's departure with his coterie on the next part of the trip.

I still don't know what to make of Castaneda's work. It runs the gamut from slapstick comedy to spiritual fiction, leaving the sneaking suspicion that perhaps he's not in fact making all of it up. Although the italicized concepts like seeing, dark sea of awareness, and so forth leave the alert reader surprised that such nonsense still remains a pleasure to read, there's a sort of gestalt that holds together quite well, and a few ideas, such as flyers, almost too far out to fake.

In the end this book is a relief. Maybe I should read more fiction.

Posted by Mark at February 22, 2006 08:46 PM

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