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February 23, 2006
Web-based web page editor
Most folks creating their own web pages are probably already doing it through their browser, by blogging. There are however cases where you may want to create a static page or two. We create them at work, for example, as cover pages for documentation snapshots we post for review, for some of our plans, pages we expect people to link to directly and perhaps consult frequently.
If you know HTML, you probably end up editing your static pages in something like vim
or bluefish
. If you don't know HTML, maybe you export to HTML from a office program like OOo Writer or OOo Calc. A recent alternative for folks who do static pages and want to be able to edit them without having installed software is Google's beta Page Creator.
I gave Page Creator a whirl. It puts your home page under a URL at their site. You can see the page I created here.
If you wanted to create static sites with this method, you could use HTML redirects from your main site, or just link from your blog. It's not immediately clear how you're supposed to do a backup. Maybe the idea is that you crawl through the pages starting from your home page. Maybe in this Web 2.0 world, you leave the backup to someone else.
Posted by Mark at February 23, 2006 09:27 AM
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