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February 23, 2006


This was me running at the track with Tim. He wanted to prove he could run 1 km quickly. We ran the first km together (6:43), then I ran 4 x 400 m repeats in less than 90 seconds each, taking an easy lap in between.

It's been a long time since I've run on the track. My legs are tired this week. At the end of each lap even an approx. 6 min/mile pace felt like hard work. Compared to my winter long run plod speed, 6 min/mi is hard work. According to Greg McMillian's calculator, I should be running 10 to 20 seconds per lap faster when doing 400 m in earnest. 1600 m repeats should take me about 5:40 or 5:50 a piece.

Taking it too easy has made me lazy. I've forgotten what it's like to make an effort. Took me 3 1/2 laps to find a compact rhythm with more efficient form.

Tim didn't want to run after the first km. We could only stay another 15 minutes before he started getting bored. He was proud of himself, however, and considers his performance today indicative of superior fitness. He says he's ready for the kids' race in Pontcharra this fall, and probably the olympics soon thereafter.

Posted by Mark at February 23, 2006 02:24 PM

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