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February 28, 2006
Music for running again
Caress of Steel dates back to 1975, back when Alex Lifeson was still listening to Led Zeppelin and hadn't yet floated off into the pastels of the mid 80s. According to Wikipedia, this album was a flop. It is dated and in many respects silly. The 20 minute Fountain of Lamneth idea just doesn't come off that well over 30 years later.
But it's good for a short, up tempo run. The interplay of these three guys jamming provides a solid metronome. The Necromancer, though a corny idea, still sounds effective. The sort of Lord of the Rings aura, Geddy Lee high nasal vocal, blown dry hair, and goofy bell bottom pantleg ambiance balances out how heavy Lifeson seemed to think he was. Thankfully these guys took themselves less seriously than Metallica later did with their extrapolation of what was going on here.
Plus, Neil Peart grooves his way through. His grace-under-pressure percussion motivates well during a run.
Posted by Mark at February 28, 2006 03:48 PM
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