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February 28, 2006
What is identity soon
Finally listened to the second annual Identity Gang podcast, from Gillmor Gang at the tail end of last year.
Although I'm not sure to have take much that's concrete away from their discussion, I understood one thing in retrospect.
On one hand, the longer I live over here in the land of Descartes, near where Hegel and Nietzsche scaled intellectual peaks, the less I can get in tune with the overarching nature of Kim Cameron's laws of identity and meta identity management and the more I feel comfortable with Dick Hardt or Johannes Ernst simplifying things for us intellectual lightweights.
On the other hand, like the hypothetical users in the discussion, what I'm most worried about is interoperability and participation in my own identity. Maybe even Buddy Guy practices JS Bach lute pieces when nobody's listening.
Posted by Mark at February 28, 2006 01:57 PM
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