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February 28, 2006
87% disgruntled
Forbes.com is running an article entitled Finding Your Dream Job. The suggestions are if your fed up with your current job to define just how, write up a clear description of what you want in a job, make sure it matches with what you do well or can learn to do well, and make a plan to switch as long as it fits wtih your family.
One of the guys interviewed, "Garfinkle, founder of Dream Job Coaching in Oakland, Calif., says studies have found that 87% of workers are unhappy with their job."
Suggesting it's possible to find a dream job is about 87% wrong. If they cannot find people who'd do it for free, which is probably why they're paying, it's not going to be anybody's dream unless the nightmare they've lived so far makes it look good by comparison. Problem is a more realistic alternative title, Finding A Job That Doesn't Keep You Contemplating Suicide (or Homicide), wouldn't be too catchy.
Posted by Mark at February 28, 2006 06:56 PM
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