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February 28, 2006

Where the job growth will be

Forbes.com has another article on jobs, this one about where the good job growth will be in the US over the next few years. If you dream of working in teaching, health care, or software, you may be able to maintain gainful employment in the US for a little while.

It will be a messy process for job seekers to navigate through. Jobs will come and go. There is no guarantee that available skills will match the openings, or that the openings will be where the appropriate skills are.

In other words, stay on your toes. Hope you don't ever get too satisfied and no longer be able to dream of spending most of your waking hours with the dying, the ignorant, or the hopelessly unusable inanimate abstraction.

Posted by Mark at February 28, 2006 07:14 PM

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Your last paragraph is good enough to qualify for immortality. At least at comedy central. Laughed loudly enough to wake up Dana.

Posted by: Teena at March 1, 2006 03:24 PM

Luke sent me a link to humor that's even better than that. If you like Ricky Gervais from the British TV series, "The Office," maybe you should try the podcast episodes to be downloaded from http://alanskerrett.uk.eu.org/2006/01/ricky_gervais_p.html

Posted by: Mark at March 1, 2006 07:50 PM