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March 01, 2006
News from the mountains
Nath says that for the last two days Diane hasn't wanted to go with the other children to kindergarten. Too bad she paid in advance. Maybe she'll be able to convince Diane to go if the weather's nicer tomorrow.
Today they had lots of new snow, which prevented Colette from enjoying the skiing this morning. Nath says Diane loves rolling around in the snow and making snowmen, however.
Emma and Tim are doing well. Tim's ski instructor taking them on the red slopes, and Tim's able to go longer and faster on the red slopes than Nath after his lessons.
Emma's ski instructor says she's still snowplowing sometimes, but Nath says that disappears in the afternoon, when Emma can go with the family. And Emma's made some girlfriends with her class, and so is relatively happy to go.
Posted by Mark at March 1, 2006 07:16 PM
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