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March 02, 2006
VNC latency: bandwidth, VPN, hops?, part II
Tonight, armed with sufficient patience, I did manage to get through with just ssh and X11Forwarding.
It takes so long for the applications to appear, I was giving up and shutting down the VPN connection before seeing them. So I waited.
First I opened a terminal. Eventually the terminal appeared.
Then, in the terminal window, I opened the SGML editor. Eventually that appeared, too. Had time to get ready for bed while waiting. It's that slow.
Then I tried some editing.
Nope, it just won't work for me.
Posted by Mark at March 2, 2006 12:02 AM
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I'm confused. I thought VNC was like a Sunray: all the apps and windowing is done on the host, only the screen, compressed something like a jpg, or rather mpeg for motion, gets sent over the wire. What you keep talking about, and what I experience slowly too, is Reflection X, which manages the windows locally and seems really slow at it.
Not to make you jealous or anything but out here in the middle of the Pacific, I have 6 Mbs receiving and 1.5 Mbs transmitting bandwidth for $35/month, and it works except when the wind blows the wires real hard.
Posted by: Andy at March 2, 2006 09:51 AM
We're 5202 m from the commuter box, so there's no way of having more than 512 Kb/s with DSL in our area right now. Luke suggested we move to a better location.
Posted by: Mark at March 2, 2006 10:36 AM