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March 15, 2006


This morning at 5:45 am Diane started waking us. That's not so early, but I was already tired. Later she whined more. I finally went into her bed to calm her down.

She fell asleep again, but I could see why she was having trouble staying there. The light now streams in through her blinds quite early, and passing cars and trucks make lots of noise. I almost fell asleep at dinner.

Posted by Mark at March 15, 2006 09:04 PM

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Can't think about what to do about the noise, but maybe her bed should be situated to have the head against the outside wall between the two windows so light would not be into her eyes. Or long lasting sleeping pills.

Posted by: Teena at March 16, 2006 04:32 PM

Some days she sleeps right through. But if she wakes up at all, and it's light, she has a hard time lying there. The other day she was incensed there were no cartoons for kids at 6 am. Terrible injustice.

Posted by: Mark at March 17, 2006 08:31 PM