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March 15, 2006

When to rest

Matt Swift came to my office after a hard ride up to Revel (and then further uphill). His face looked a bit red. He must have given himself quite a workout. He'd been riding with the contraption he puts on his wheel to calculate wattage, and had been determined to maintain a certain output.

We got to talking. There's not anybody around work who wants to run with me or ride with Matt. He won't run, since he figures it hurts his cycling. Maybe I ought to ride with him. It's usually a knock-down, drag-out training session.

He's still working to convince me to do the Marmotte. Says that unlike a marathon, I'll be fine for training only a day or so after the race. I don't however think it would be sane to do that ride without some training to learn to pace myself up hills. 5000 m of climbing over 174 km.

My question is how can I do that training and still recover from running 6 days out of 7? And where would I find the time?

Posted by Mark at March 15, 2006 09:25 PM

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