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April 04, 2006

A new hobby

C|Net has an article about advertisers looking to have other people do their ads in their spare time:

"Traditional marketing methods have fallen short," Decker said in explaining why he expects viewer-created ads to take off in the market, particularly for the 18- to 34-year-olds who watch Current TV. "This demographic does not respond positively to something overly produced and (that is a) hard sell."

At what point does it sink in that people just don't need any more of your stuff?

"The holy grail for me as a marketer would be to have an entertaining viral video that was getting passed around and it doubled as a commercial," said Brian Monahan, who oversees online and offline ad campaigns for Microsoft at the Universal McCann ad agency. "Can we produce work like that? I don't know. But I'm counting on the kid in his bedroom who has a really funny idea."

The main problem seems to be with volunteers who aren't sticking to the script. They end up making ads the companies don't really like.

Posted by Mark at April 4, 2006 06:03 PM

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