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April 14, 2006


ubik.jpg Reread this book again. Still not sure what to make of it.

Philip K. Dick published Ubik for the first time at the close of the 1960s. His 1992 has people who've not changed much since then. Except the protagonists' line of work is protecting people against folks who've evolved extra sensory perceptions, precognitions, and standard PKD psi-fi fare.

At the core of the story is that battle for half-dead people's souls, and the difficulty of knowing whether what you're experiencing is reality or only a very good fake thereof. What I like about PKD is that he comes out more blatantly than Borges with the conclusion that it's all fake.

If you were a storyteller, would you not want it to turn out that way?

Posted by Mark at April 14, 2006 08:23 PM

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