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April 20, 2006

Emma's eyes

Emma and I went to see an eye doctor this morning. Her regular doctor had seen a huge fall off in her vision at the last checkup.

Today the verdict was that she does in fact need glasses for the classroom and for reading, but that she's only a bit nearsighted with slight astigmatism. Nothing that would force her to wear glasses all the time.

On the way back from the appointment, she was happy to know she wouldn't have to wear her glasses all the time, but she was already sulking. I asked her why. She said she'd looked at the prescription and was going to have to have round glasses, because the drawing on the prescription sheet was round. Her idea was that the eye doctor would prescribe the particular pair of glasses Emma needed. (The guy we saw was no doubt inadequately fashion conscious in Emma's eyes.)

I explained to my incredulous daughter that all the eye doctor was doing in his office was determining how the lenses needed to be ground so as to improve her vision and make it easier for her to read and see things far away. She was sure she wouldn't be able to get the square glasses she wanted. I'm not sure she believed me.

She also didn't believe me when I agreed to discuss with her mom whether she can get blond highlights next time she goes to the hairdresser. The world's a rough place when you're 7 years old.

Posted by Mark at April 20, 2006 02:36 PM

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