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April 24, 2006
Nath's watching a made-for-TV movie in which the rats attack Paris. She's been enjoying the shivers.
They just blew up a building with thousands of rats standing by, ready to eat whole animals and people in a sudden frenzy. A guy got stuck in the explosion. He was going back for his white rat.
Now he's coming out of the building with a few smudges. (That's it, the people who've been trying to get me to wear my helmet and my seatbelt are lying. If he can survive that explosion, the least I can do is survive a head on collision on the autoroute or falling off my bike and having a truck run over my head.)
Aha! They're panning out to show a few rat survivors, starting a litter in a bale of hay atop some apartment downtown. The scary music is playing...
Posted by Mark at April 24, 2006 10:25 PM
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