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December 14, 2004
Saint Marcellin
Stu, Joanne, and I are planning for the Semi-Marathon de Saint Marcellin in April, if they do it again this year on the same date. I wanted something between now and a marathon next September.
I've adapted Hal Higdon's novice marathon training program to fit what I think will be more than enough for a half marathon, giving me an opportunity to build up my base.
My winter training in this case includes the condition physique cross training I've been doing.
I cannot quickly find a way to combine the cross training, biking, and all the running necessary to build the marathon base. It may be too cold for biking soon, though. Matt and I went out at lunchtime today. Although the sun was out, anywhere we found a shadow, the grass was covered with frost. I wore ski gloves. They led to trouble shifting sometimes.
Since it's only a half marathon in April, perhaps I can slip bike rides in here and there. The tougher exercise will be working out a summer schedule where I can nevertheless ride while building up to the marathon itself. The condition physique cross training ends in June, though, and Hal Higdon's novice marathon training program -- we're all novices for our first marathon -- only has you run four days per week.
Posted by Mark at December 14, 2004 10:19 PM