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January 03, 2005

Lacking speedwork

Given how intense the cross training gets, I fear speedwork might wear me out more than build me up. I guess the speedwork can wait until after I've finished winter training, which means after a first marathon if I run Lyon.

I could still use Wednesdays for stamina work, as defined by Greg McMillan. If Tuesdays and Thursdays, low mileage days, are about recovery, then it makes sense to consider including tempo runs and steady state runs on Wednesdays.

That seems to fit more or less with my interpretation of Hal Higdon's novice training. He tells the novice to feel free to pick up the pace on Wednesdays. If I also take Sunday runs slowly, as endurance training, I should be able to avoid overdoing it.

Posted by Mark at January 3, 2005 08:49 PM