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February 08, 2005

Running club?

Jerome first suggested we organize running with a coach to prepare as a group for a big event such as a marathon.

The more I speak with people here at work about the idea, the more it's clear not everybody wants to run a marathon. In fact, I haven't found anybody else who does, though several would like to do a half marathon.

More seem interested in having someone to run with and someone to help them reach their own goals, anything from running a half marathon to getting into better shape. Getting into better shape sounds like a good reason to get out and run regularly. It's what led me in the end to wanting to get into even better shape. Now I enjoy running more than I ever have before.

Marie-Odile mentioned a cardiologist who runs and coaches runners on the side. Karine suggested I ask around at local running clubs for recommendations. If it's to start later this year, I ought to get to it in the next month or so.

It's not entirely clear why this idea keeps turning over in my head, but it does. I'm fine running alone, and am not having trouble getting out there and putting in the kilometers. The showers will be more crowded than they are now at lunchtime. Yet maybe I stand to benefit the most from coaching, and this would be a good way of getting some real time with a good coach.

Posted by Mark at February 8, 2005 02:01 PM