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February 09, 2005
In Danny Dreyer's book on ChiRunning he gives you the elevator pitch of a much larger story. Now I have to spend some time running to learn what he hints you can only truly know by experiencing proper form, making physical habits of improvements in the way you run. Theoretically, I have enough runs left before the marathon to start forming the proper habits. Just need to keep at it, and not develop new bad habits.
To develop new good habits while not developing new bad habits. That's why real coaching would help.
If Hal Higdon has come to the right conclusions about the relationship of distance running to speed improvements, then increasing distance is part of what I need to do to reach my longer term goal. To put that longer term goal into words, it's to run as fast as my body can over long distances, without injury.
By long distance, I mean anything significantly longer than a half marathon, at least two hours of running. Distances beyond the wall of glycogen depletion, in endurance concentration territory. ChiRunning seems the kind of approach you need to work beyond that frontier while building yourself up rather than breaking yourself down.
Posted by Mark at February 9, 2005 08:38 AM