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March 13, 2006
Today the air is still cool for the season. I wore my hat and gloves. Yet the sun was out. Very bright.
Now that the Paris half marathon is behind me, I'm starting speedwork. Last Friday was the first speedwork outing. My hope is to run two per week, one being longer repeats, the other being shorter sprints, perhaps intervals.
Today I ran 5 x 1 km repeats at just under race pace, which is 3:45/km. My first was in 3:40. My last was in 3:39. All the repeats were between 3:39 and 3:43. I'm still a long way away from being able to keep that pace up for 10 continuous kilometers.
A nice feature of the track over at the junior high school is how it's not near a road. It's quiet. You can focus on the work. Another feature is that it's about 15-20 minutes from work, enough time to warm up and cool down properly.
My heart seems to be in better shape than my legs. Each time I'd finish and jog, it'd take less than a 250-meter lap for my heart to be back at a pulse of 130-135. My legs on the other hand were starting to get tired near the end. They felt sore starting out.
Posted by Mark at March 13, 2006 02:20 PM
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